A showcase of the winning Environmental Feature Film from 2023

BLACK COCKATOO CRISIS, 74min., Australia
Directed by Jack Hammond
Western Australia’s iconic black cockatoos are in crisis. Their numbers have fallen dramatically over the past few decades and all three species in the south-west of WA could become extinct in just 20 years unless something is done to protect their habitats. With the loss of the banksia woodlands on the Swan Coastal Plain to housing, Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos have come to depend on the once vast exotic pine plantations on Perth’s northern fringe.


Watch the Audience Feedback Video:

Director Statement

Black Cockatoo Crisis is the story of three species of black cockatoo that only live in the south west of Western Australia. All three species will be extinct in less than two decades unless we take urgent action to reverse their decline. This action is possible and achievable but requires government policy and legislative change. The story of these iconic black cockatoos stands as an example of what is happening to species in every corner of the globe. We need to tackle the climate crisis and we need to tackle the biodiversity crisis. For too long biodiversity loss has taken a back seat to climate issues but the two environmental crises are linked and both need to be tackled head on. Black Cockatoo Crisis shines the light on the multiple issues facing species on the verge of extinction. It is a story of our time and for our time.

By comedyfestival

Film and Writing Festival for Comedy. Showcasing best of comedy short films at the FEEDBACK Film Festival. Plus, showcasing best of comedy novels, short stories, poems, screenplays (TV, short, feature) at the festival performed by professional actors.

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